please list at least X3 things that you are really good at!
Please list 1-3 areas that you can work on
Parent/ Guardian-> this is your opportunity to help us understand your child's needs so that we can set appropriate goals during each session.
Everything that is brought up in any of Mother Daughter Empower's counselling & coaching sessions will remain confidential. With your permission, we will collect non-identifying information during our intake to our funders for services and needs analysis. At Mother Daughter Empower, only those needing access to your file will have access to it. We will not contact other people to get information about you or your family without written permission. Information about you or your family shall only be disclosed when authorized by you or your representation, through a signed consent, or when we are legally obligated to do so. All situations other than those presented in our exceptions and limits to confidentiality form must be authorized by you, through your signed consent. You decide to whom we can speak, and what we can disclose to them, using the Consent to Release Information Form.
1. When any type of child abuse/neglect allegations (current or historic) are disclosed, or if we suspect a child might be at risk of abuse, we are bound by law to report these matters to the Children's Aid Society; 2. When allegations of sexual abuse by a health professional have been disclosed; 3. When someone's safety is at risk (suicide/homicide/threats of harm towards self or others), we may break confidentiality (i.e call the emergency contact we have on file, call the police and /or warn the person who may be at risk); 4. During some legal proceedings, your file and this organizations worker may be called to Court. Similarly during an inquest, when served with a subpoena or search warrant, police or other officials may have access to your file; 5. In divorce situations, the access parent may have the ability to access your child's file through a Court Order; 6. For purposes of individual or team supervision, agency accreditation, quality assurance reviews, Ministry reviews where applicable, the content of your file may be reviewed and audited.